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The Company offers comprehensive and integrated trustee services.

We can manage complex assets, including not only liquid assets/securities, but also properties, shares, valuable artworks etc., in Italy and abroad.

The activity of trustee is carried out directly by the Company or through dedicated private trust companies in which the Company or its members are directors. These companies are set up ad hoc for the management and administration of trusts particularly complex and economically relevant. 

Moreover, we offer co-trustee services. These services consist in cooperating with trustees (both physical and legal person) in the management and administration of assets requiring complex and diversified expertise.

The activity of trustee is performed both in relation to newly established trusts and in relation to trusts already operating both in Italy and abroad. In the latter case, the Company supervises all the operations and obligations necessary for the transfer of trust assets from previous trustees and for the transfer of the fiscal residency of the foreign trust to Italy.

The activity is managed by a specialized team and through partnerships with important operators in the banking, insurance, real estate and art sectors. In this way we offer to our clients high added value services at competitive prices while ensuring independence and variety of choice about advisors.


Via Bocchetto, 6

20123 Milan

Phone: (+39) 02 99770180

Mobile: (+39) 380 1721832


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Via della Condotta, 12

50122 Florence

Phone: (+39) 0574 607586

Mobile: (+39) 380 1721832


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